Street Team

Pro-Line Street Team Welcomes Colin Barton!

Check out my PRO-2 SC with the new RAM 2500 Body.

Factory Team / Race Events

Rob Hall Racing at Larry’s Performance RC on Pro-Line Suburbs

Pro-Line driver Rob Hall shared some footage of racing in December at Larry’s Performance RC running Pro-Line Suburbs. I’m driving the blue and white Buggy (and obviously you can hear my name being called haha) and end up in second place early on and I ended up holding onto second until the end.

Factory Team / Race Events

Elliott Boots at NEO X on Pro-Line Electrons and IONs

So the time of year arrived again, NEO Race time! This Year, NEO X We arrived on the Thursday afternoon and met up with the rest of the Kyosho team, and caught up on what everyone had been up to. We went through booking in and went to take our first look at the track. […]

Factory Team / Race Events

Robert Green at Yukon Points Series on Pro-Line

This quarter started out with a bang! After some rain outs we finally started racing on March 7th. I attended the 1st round of the Yukon Points Series and the following day raced at my home track in Amarillo. Read About My Posting After having a weekend to go through my cars and maintenance them, […]

Friends of Pro-Line / Race Events

2015 ROAR Region 2: Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Series

More Info at Round 1 is April 18, 2015 at RC Pro Racing (804) 642-1114

Factory Team / Race Events

Devin Chesney at WRL 4.6 on Pro-Line IONs and Suburbs

Event: WRL 4.6 Date: 3/28/15 Location: Sparks Park in Columbus Ohio Race Setup: 3 rounds of heats and single 7-minute A-Mains Entries: 185 (very large turnout for the last round) Classes Raced: 1:8 E-Buggy 4WD SCT Something Fun: First I want to say that to make this race and the whole series possible I talked […]

Factory Team / Race Events

Mason Eppley at Outback and Rattlesnake on Pro-Line Electrons and Hole Shots

Pro-Line Equipment Used: * Pro-Line Trifecta Wings * Pro-Line M3 Hole Shots * Pro-Line MC Electrons –Outback Raceway Friday April 3rd- It was that time of week again where I would venture down to Outback Raceway in Chico, California for their annual Friday night club races. I got there a couple of hours early to […]

Factory Team / Race Events

Clint Seitz at KCRC on Pro-Line Electrons

We just finished a 6 week point series at the local off-road track. KCRC in Shawnee, KS. I ran 2 classes 2WD Mod Buggy and Open Short Course. Short Course, I took the win in 5 of 6 weeks. The last week, 3 other drivers ganged up on me and said I wasn’t winning. So […]

Friends of Pro-Line


April 1st was a couple days ago but nonetheless, I still want to talk about something that looks foolish. It is without a doubt my #1 scaler pet peeve. It’s something we always laugh about when talking shop on the trail (you should hear our drift guy Evol rant about this!) – ugly tires. Nothing absolutely […]

Factory Team / Race Events

Cameron Dopp at RC Madness on Pro-Line PinPoints and Wedge Squared

I raced at RC Madness in Enfield, CT. I raced my Yokomo stock 2WD Buggy on Pro-Line PinPoint Rears and Wedge Squared Fronts. My night racing was slow as I struggled in qualifying but I managed to make the A-Main. After a clustered start and a few mistakes by other people I was able to […]