Factory Team / Race Events

Matthew Garcia Reports from OC/RC with his PRO-LINE PRO-2 SC Truck

Hello everyone! This past Friday I did some club racing at OC/RC. If you don’t know, Friday is called “Fill’em Up Friday” where you can pay for one race and race as many classes as you want! I decided to race my Venom powered Pro-Line PRO-2 SC Truck.


My truck was pretty dialed with Pro-Line MC IONs #1191-17, in the rear and MC Suburbs #1171-17, in the front. The track proved to be quite challenging and I found myself constantly having to pay close attention to all of the obstacles.

The double and turns that lead into the straight away where a big challenge for me. Over shooting the jump killed your momentum into the turn, but landing perfectly and turning too soon meant clipping the pipe. I had to try and set everything up perfectly and the only way I was able to do that was to take this part of the track slow.

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The end of the straight also was a tough one. I had to try an perfectly land the high speed jump and carry that momentum into the corner jump, all without clipping the pipe. Eventually I got this part of the track down while keeping a reasonable speed.

The double triple section in the middle of the track has not changed much, but I still had to try to carry the momentum of the vehicles through the corners in order to stay smooth. I noticed that this track layout was fast and flowing. In other words, as soon as you get out of rhythm, you start to hurt your lap times dramatically. It was crucial to keep flowing like water. The only way I was able to stay in the groove was to slow down and concentrate.


Despite all the hurdles and tough obstacles, I qualified 4th in the A-Main and finished with a solid 3rd place.

I am super happy about having a podium finish and I must thank Venom Batteries and Pro-Line for producing such amazing products!

Matthew Garcia

Read Matthew Garcia’s RC Racing Blog Post…