Today, I went to one of our elementary schools (K-3) for Community Helpers Day. This school had (5) professions who gave presentations to the students about their jobs. They included: Firefighters, Nurses, Military, Musicians and Police Officers. All the students were allowed to choose 3 presentations.
My (police) presentations were PACKED!!! I gave (4) 20 min presentations to approx. 40 students who were all allowed to drive the Pro-Line PRO-2.
The Pro-Line Street Fighter Tires worked awesome with the PRO-2 as the students drove on the concrete play area. The kids had numerous questions not only about police duties, but also had questions about the different parts/electronics of the PRO-2. They honestly had a great time and I received many hi-fives with lots of smiles.
I was later told by the principal that her staff had to deny some students to attend my presentations, due to the amount of students that were interested (mainly due to the PRO-2 that I used while talking to the students about police officers).
Thank you again Pro-Line for your support and for helping the Quincy Police Department build positive relationships with “our” youth.
Many Thanks,
Matt Hermsmeier