Chassis: Hot Bodies D8T “Ty Tessmann edition”
Engine: OS Speed
Tires: Pro-Line (M3 Hole Shot)
Radio/Servos: Airtronics/Savox
Remarks: Hot Bodies factory driver Ty Tessmann is running the near final version of the soon to be released Ty edition D8T truggy, something he and his father have been developing over the past year. Featuring many new parts, the rear end of the car has had the most attention, now sporting longer shocks with a dedicated new tower, new hubs and A-arms with inserts to easily adjust the geometry and longer dogbones to allow them to run more droop. The front end will sport new c-hubs and steering knuckles, but the final versions were not finished in time for this event and so they are running the prototype versions at this year’s DNC. Another interesting feature are the custom Avid carbon arms stiffeners, that make the car more precise when the track is high bite and very technical.
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