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Avery Widzinski TQ and 1st Place at Central City Off-Road Series!

Driver: Avery Widzinski
Event: Central City Offroad Series in Joplin, Missouri (5 races)
Tires used: 4WD Buggy, Pro-Line Caliber (rear), Pro-Line Blockades (front)
2WD Buggy, Pro-Line 4 rib (front), Pro-Line Blockades (rear)

Well I just finished up the Central City off-road series in Joplin, Missouri. It was a really hard fought battle in the 2WD class that would come down to the last race of series with 3 of us tied for the 1st place spot before last event.

In the 2WD Buggy class I was able to TQ for the A-main feature race, that would put me in a 1 point lead going into the A-main feature.

In the 2WD feature race I would have a great start but halfway through the race made a mistake that would cost me the lead. For the last 3-minutes of the race I would chase down the leader to finally be able to catch the leader on the last 2 laps of the race and hold on for the win. This would put me in 1st place for the series by 1 point.

In the 4WD buggy class I was also able to have great qualifiers and TQ for the A-main feature event.
In the A-main feature I would have a great start and go wire to wire for the win. I would end up in 3rd place for the series, but not bad after having a dnf in 1 series race and miss out on another race entirely.

My Pro-Line tires worked great on this loose track surface over the entire 5 race season. Thanks to my sponsor Pro-Line racing and there great product to help keep me on top.