Factory Team / Race Events

Pro-Line Drivers Jessica and David Iler at BeachLine Raceway in June!


June 10, 2017 Club Race, Beachline Raceway – Cocoa, FL

We headed to Beachline Raceway this weekend for our first night club race. We got in a ton of practice Saturday before the race. I even got the chance to play around and adjust my steering and brake percentages on my controller to see how it would help with the handling of my cars. It defiantly was a tremendous help and I found out my cars weren’t as jerky.

Ran Pro-Line Pin-Points


I was the only 2wd Short Course Truck so I ran with the 4wd’s. My first qualifier I was doing okay until the very end when I made a TON of mistakes. There was nobody to blame for my results except for myself. I stepped up my game in the second qualifier and made a good run finishing 3rd. I was starting 5th in the main and just wanted to get a good take off which I did. I would have my fastest lap all day and was thrilled to finish 4th just missing the podium and out running some 4wd’s.


As I watched David’s first qualifier with his stock buggy I was shocked to see another racer not once, but twice cut the track and take off without waiting. This hurt David as it kept happening in front of him. His second qualifier went a lot better and he finish 3rd in his heat, but overall, he would be starting second in the B-main. He was very consistent and out of 16 laps 13 laps were 21 seconds. Taking 2nd in the B group he bumped up to the main show. He only had 1 bad lap during the A and moved up a couple positions to finish 8th for the day.


We had a fun time and can’t thank #Robbie (#Superior Hobbies) enough for always taking care of us. Even though it takes us a couple hours to get there we treat this as our home track during the rainy season. If it wasn’t for this indoor track we would not be racing as much as we do. We’ll be heading there again next weekend.
David Iler Race Results
Pro Stock Buggy
Qualified: 2nd B-Main
Finished: 8th A-Main
Tires: Proline Z3 Pin Points

Jessica Iler Race Results

2wd Short Course Truck
Qualified: 5th
Finished: 4th
Tires: Proline Z3 Pin Points


June 17, 2017
Club Race
Beachline Raceway – Cocoa, FL
This was our second weekend in a row at Beachline Raceway. Friday night we ended up having the track all to ourselves and we had a blast. We camped out that night and was ready to go the next day. The track would open Saturday morning at 11:00 for practice. We got in some laps, had some lunch and ran some more before the night club race.


There weren’t enough 13.5 buggies to have its own class so they had us run with the Mod buggy’s which are way faster. My first qualifier was nerve racking. There were high speed cars passing me while other ones were either making mistakes or being hit. I finished 5th with 13 laps and a time of 5:10.428. I was faster in Q2 and placed 4th with 14 laps and a time of 5:21.487. Starting 5th in the main I was worried about being hit from behind at the start. To my surprise I had gotten a great start and then it went downhill when I took the first double and flipped. I’m not sure what happened, but I knew I went from the middle of the pack to the back real fast. From there on out I put together one good lap after another when I heard I was in 3rd. I didn’t think it was possible since I was running my 13.5 against the mods. I would like to thank #Rebecca Tech, 2nd place driver, for letting up some when she was around me so I didn’t get nervous and make a mistake. I was so excited to make the podium.


David raced Pro Stock Buggy. He tried out the new rear #Proline soft pinpoint carpet tires for the first time and they were awesome. David ran well during qualifying. Unfortunately, he was hit during his best run and lost time, but he still ended up qualifying in the A-main. Starting in the 7th spot he made some passes and moved up to 4th where he battled with #Ruffy Rios. It was so much fun to watch the two of them as they raced clean. In the end David made a mistake where Ruffy got the pass on him taking over 4th while David came in 5th.

David Iler Race Results
Pro Stock Buggy
Qualified: 7th
Finished: 5th
Tires: Proline Z3 wedges front, Z4 Pin Points back

Jessica Iler Race Results

13.5 4wd Buggy (combined with 4wd Mod)
Qualified: 5th
Finished: 3rd
Tires: Proline Z3 Pin Points front, Z4 Pin Points back


June 24, 2017 Beach Cup Points Series – round 1, Beachline Raceway – Cocoa, FL

Today was round 1 of the Beach Cup point series. This would be the first night time series held at Beachline Raceway on the turf. The series is made up of four races spread out over 4 months. They take your best 3 out of 4 races and that is where you finish. Round 1 had a good showing of 89 entries and some of the top drivers around including #Kai Goff, #AJ Marasco and #Don Tech.

I raced 13.5 buggy and was happy with my results. I found that my #Proline Pin Points worked better for me after running them a few times wearing them down some. At the end of the night I put in some consistent laps until the second to the last lap where I got caught up in a mess, but I was still able to finish 4th.


David made both of his A mains in Pro Stock and Mod 2wd buggy. His #Trinity power and rubber from #Proline gave him the edge to compete with the top drivers. Finishing 8th in Pro Stock and 5th in Mod 2wd it was a good start to the series.

David Iler Race Results
Pro Stock Buggy
Qualified: 7th
Finished: 8th
Tires: Proline Z3 wedges front, Z4 Pin Points back

Mod 2wd Buggy
Qualified: 5th
Finished: 5th
Tires: Proline Z3 wedges front, Z4 Pin Points back

Jessica Iler Race Results

13.5 4wd Buggy
Qualified: 3rd
Finished: 4th
Tires: Proline Z3 Pin Points front, Z4 Pin Points back

2017 Turf Wars – Final Results

David Iler
4wd 13.5 Buggy
1st place

Jessica Iler
2wd Open SCT
2nd place

A special thank you to our sponsors #Trinity, #Proline, #BocaBearing and #DERacing
