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P-L Drivers David and Jessica Iler Podium at BeachLine Raceway on Pro-Line Pin Points

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We headed to Cocoa Friday night after work to camp out with some friends for the weekend. Saturday was open practice in the morning and I could try out my new 2WD SCT. We ended up having to make a few adjustments as it was traction rolling, but other than that it was dialed.

David is really pleased with his Yokomo Buggy powered by #Trinity. He took TQ in qualifying with 13/5:28.365. The Main was an exciting race between David and #Don Tech. At the beginning of the Main Don made a mistake that gave David a good lead, but each lap Don was reeling him in. It was around lap 11 where Don was given the chance to make the pass on David. At that time, we all thought it was over, but right before the last lap David made an awesome pass on the wall ride and took home 1st place by 0.35 of a second.

David and Jessica Ran Pro-Line Pin Point Tires in Buggy and SCT

VIDEO: 2wd Pro Stock Buggy A Main Beachline – https://youtu.be/Agia0qn64TY

There was only one 4wd SCT today so they had him race with all the 2wd’s. My new SCT had some #Trinity Monster Horsepower in it. Along with my Pro-Line Pin Point Tires my truck out qualified all the other 2wd SCT’s. I made a couple mistakes in the Main, but I was still able to finish on the same lap pace as the only 4wd racing, taking 2nd place behind him.

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David Iler Race Results
2wd Mod Buggy
Qualified: 1st TQ 13/5:28.365
Finished: 1st
Tires: Pro-Line Z3 Pin Points


Jessica Iler Race Results
2wd Short Course Truck
Qualified: 2nd
Finished: 2nd
Tires: Pro-Line Z3 Pin Points