Factory Team

RECON G6 Globetrotterrodeo 2016 in Erzberg, Austria Sponsored by Pro-Line Racing


Thank you Pro-Line Racing for your support in making this event such a memorable thing for our drivers!

Host Event: www.globetrotterrodeo.at

Location: Erzberg, Eisenerz (The Iron Giant, known for the motorcycle race)

Date: 27th of August 2017
Host Event: 4500 People and 1500 1:1 Rigs
RECON G6: 152 Drivers from 8 Countries

At this event we had people that were here just for 1:1 and then decided to stop by and see the RC fun at the event – typically as their very first RC Event.

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Globetrotterrodeo on Erzberg over in Austria is a Festival for over-landers, around the world trampers and off-roaders. Since last Year RECON G6 was added to this amazing event at this very special location in the middle of the alps. If you like 1:1 off-road rigs – you will not stop to be amazed about the stuff you can see in person and been driven over here. Tatra, Haflinger, Pinzgauer, Syncros, MAN, Bremach, and many more rare pieces of heavy duty off-road machinery that is usable for traveling.

Photo Credit: Freigeist.com 


This year the Festival set a new record with 4500 visitors and 1500 vehicles on site – 3 days saw various events and presentation happen.


On Saturday morning we been really amazed how many people showed up to do the 200 Trialmakrer 7 kilometer course with us. 152! Including many kids and woman – it is so cool to see how families have a fun and challenging day together.


After 6 hours the last drivers came back to G-Central in the middle of the main exhibiton area and we started the award ceremonies and the raffle with some great new stuff from Pro-Line like the Toyota Sr5 Body.


After a short dinner break a rather larger group started the night run around the massive camp and exhibition area at globetrotterrodeo! The 1:1 guys really loved watching us.
