Factory Team / How To

Matt Wolfe: Recycle and Reuse featuring Pro-Line Tire Bags

So we all run Pro-Line Tires and I am sure we are all guilty of throwing the bag in the trash. Have you ever thought of reusing it? Here are a few recycle / reuse ideas for the tire bag.

The top can be used as a banner in your scale garage.

1. You will need 1 Pro-Line Tire Bag / Straight Edge / Scissors and a Razor.


2. Cut off Pro-Line Logo just above the seal on the bag

3. Line up a straight line just above the top of the logo, using straight edge. Take razor and cut along the straight edge, creating the top of the banner. Repeat for the bottom and sides of the logo

4. Pull the 2 sides apart and you have 2 scale banners.

The Bag

Being as heavy as they are, the bag can be used to hold extra nuts and bolts. With the ziplock top, your items are sealed and safe.

So lets keep the bags out of the land fill and recycle and reuse.

Matt Wolfe, Issued Las Vegas Scalers, Team Pro-Line