Factory Team / Spilled Beans

Cory Craig’s Pro-Line PRO-2 Setup


Download Setup Sheet as PDF

This is the setup I use on my “Rent – a – Ride” PRO-2. For those of you who are not familiar with me, I have a spare PRO-2 truck I let others drive for various reasons. Sometimes their truck broke, or burnt up an electronic or cant finish the weekend for what ever reason…. I let them drive this to finish out the weekend. If someone wants to try it out and see if they like 2WD SCT…. I say “here drive this”.

Cory Hartwell Maiden Race

I have let no less than 10 people drive this truck with this setup across multiple surfaces and it works 😀 it’s a tad soft and may need thicker oil in higher grip situations, but I am confident it will give anyone a solid platform to work from.

If you are not familiar with the “white” insert I speak of in the setup, read this blog http://www.prolineracing.com/blog/2015/03/17/super-slick-secret-for-a-super-slick-situation/

Cory Craig