Factory Team / Race Events

Jake Dellinger wins at Thornhill Cup Race on Pro-Line Blockades

Pro-Line driver Jake Dellinger attended the 2015 Thornhill Cup Race in Hutto, Texas.

1st E buggy 2nd Nitro

Since Mother Nature was threatening to rain this event out, I decided to hold off and not to show up until Friday night and would get some practice in Saturday morning before qualifying. When we showed up to the track Saturday morning it had got quite a bit of rain and the track crew was already hard at work pumping water off the track and doing everything they could to get the track dried so we could have the race. After a few hours the Thornhill Track crew had the track dry enough to open practice, but would only keep it open for a couple of hours so they could start qualifying and still finish at a decent time. I ended up with one battery pack of practice thru my E-Buggy and none with my Nitro. They shut down practice and it was time to start qualifying.

Nitro Buggy Top 3 and TQEbuggy Final Top 3

Qualifying went pretty well for me with such limited practice, after 3 rounds I ended up 2nd in both 1:8 Nitro and E-Buggy. In round 1 when the track was still a bit tacky I went out on M3 Hole Shots, in rounds 2 and 3 when the track had dried out I went to my go to tire Blockades in M3.

Saturday night the track got more rain! When we showed up Sunday morning for main day the track was again too wet to run, so the Thornhill track crew was back at it pumping water off the track and doing everything they could so we could finish the race. A few hours later and after a lot of hard work the track was dried off and ready to start mains.

In the E-Buggy class they ran two 10-minute Mains, I finished 1st in the first main and 2nd in the second Main, and ended up with 1st for the overall. I ran M3 Blockades for both Mains.

In the 30-minute Nitro Buggy class since the track started to dry out quite a bit and was getting a groove in it I went with X2 Blockades. The first few laps for me were pretty bad and I fell to mid pack, and had to battle my way thru the field the entire 30-minutes, and ended up finishing 2nd behind Pro-Line Teammate Tyler Hooks who ran X2 Blockades as well.

Final Results Nitro Buggy

1. Tyler Hooks-X2 Blockades
2. Jake Dellinger-X2 Blockades
3. Andrew Clark-X2 Hole Shots
4. Robbie Darby-X3 Blockades
5. Aaron Breuer
6. Cade WhitentonX3 Blockades
7. Brian Beck
8. Hunter Kinsey
9. Joshua Riewe
10. Ethan Lefebvre

Final Results E-Buggy

1. Jake Dellinger-M3 Blockades
2. Tyler Hooks-X2 Blockades
3. Noah Dickerson-M3 Hole Shots
4. Brian Beck
5. Charles Day
6. Justin Flores
7. Thomas Rivera
8. Todd Geary
9. Tony Chevarie
10. Victor Young