Hello Everyone! Happy Holidays!
A couple of weeks ago I attended the Top Notch Series round 1 at IERC. I have been out of the game for a while because I recently got married and did the whole marriage and honeymoon thing. I decided to pick up my Venom powered Pro-Line PRO-2 SCT without any prep or practice and head to the TNS race.
There were a lot of people attending this race and here is a shot of a very busy pit. I must point out IERC is one of the nicest tracks around. They have a huge projector on the wall for TV, coolers for those hot summer days and most important of all a challenging track with consistent traction.
Here is a shot of the track right before you get on to the straight away. There was a fast and flowing section into the straight away that proved to be very challenging. Many vehicles would get the section wrong and either hit the wall or jump out of the track.
Here is a shot of the middle triple section. The triple was right after a very tight turn and a very big challenge to clear consistently. Furthermore, your vehicle had to be set up perfectly for maximum traction in order to gain enough speed to make the triple. Most people double singled out on this obstacle.
Here is a shot of the after the straight away. A drop off and a speed check jump proved to be very fun. It was a great place to pass people. Many people flew off the track at the end of the straight away due to all the traction!
Here are two shots of my truck. The truck performed pretty well all day, but I did notice that it was not very nimble in the tight corners. My low speed steering was nil without a little throttle manipulation. Pro-Line has a short chassis designed for tighter tracks, part #6093-06. Also, there is a new battery mount for the shorter chassis part #6093-07. I purchased both parts already and installed them on my truck. I am still doing some testing, but the new parts made the truck handle a lot better.
I will do a review of those parts soon!
My Venom 100c shorty batteries performed flawless all day. I had plenty of power and did not have to worry about my batteries failing me. Venom did a great job with their latest Batteries.
I would say the TNS race went well for me. I ended up getting 11/19 which is not bad for coming out cold, but I still want to get my PRO-2 SC Truck on the podium. I was really close to making the A main, but I did not quite make it.
Check out my race for yourself:
Good luck at the races! Remember, you can always ask me for help, just look for the Venom powered Pro-Line vehicles and the KLA logo at the track.