Factory Team / Friends of Pro-Line

Race report for The Battle of the Sikest @ Fear Farm Raceway – Arizona

The Battle of the Sikest at Fear Farm in Arizona was a weekend full of lots of racing, constant track changes, and Mother Nature doing her part to keep us on our toes.


I chose to run 40+ Nitro Truggy this pass weekend, in which there were a total of 2 full heats. Qualifying consisted of 3 rounds; 5-min, 10-min, and a 12-min.  After all 3 rounds of qualifying had concluded, I found myself starting 4th overall on the grid for the triple A-Mains.

The first round I worked my way from 4th to 3rd position. The second round I ran into some trouble and was able to just hold my own and finish 4th where I started.

The last round, my truggy was on rails, with my M3 Blockades keeping it with plenty of forward bite, and gave me the ability to push it hard into the sweeping high speed corners, which took me from 4th to the top of the board, finishing 1st in the last round.

After all the calculations I was able to finish the weekend 2nd overall.

2nd place finish - 40+Truggy
2nd place finish – 40+Truggy