Factory Team / Friends of Pro-Line / Race Events

Connecticut State Championships – Report from Kyle Rhodes

CT State Champ 2wd Buggy

This past Sunday I attended the Connecticut State Championships held at Wolcott Hobby and Raceway in Waterbury Connecticut. The race had 120 entries with drivers from multiple states being present. I competed in 2wd Modified buggy and 4wd Modified Buggy. Fellow Kyosho driver Jimmy James Rivera was also in attendance competing in 2wd Modified Buggy and 1/8th Electric Buggy. Jimmy and myself practiced Thursday before the event and were able to get a good base setup for our Kyosho RB6 rear motor cars for the race.

  CT State Champ RB6

The format for the event was two six minute qualifiers and a six minute main for each class. In 2wd mod buggy I was able to put together two good runs with my first being faster giving me the TQ over Team Associated driver Alex  Kosciuszek. Jimmy James put his car fifth on the grid for the A main as well. When the tone went off I got a good jump but was quickly pressured by Alex for the lead. Alex and I broke away from the rest of the field and were bumper to bumper until the four minute mark when we both made a mistake as we went through lap traffic. I got through it cleaner and had a four second lead over Alex. At the four and a half minute mark Alex made a mistake and end up breaking a rear arm. For the remainder of the race I stretched out my lead and when the tone went of off I took the win followed by Chuckie Presinzano driving and Associated B4.2 and Jimmy James took third rounding out the podium with his Kyosho RB6.

CT State Championship Layout

In 4wd Mod buggy I had a great first qualifier giving me TQ for the round. In round 2, I was on a new TQ run but unfortunately made some mistakes and struggled to get through lap traffic. Alex Kocsiuszek put together a great run which allowed him to take the overall TQ. Alex and I were the only drivers to put 24 lap runs together in 4wd mod buggy. In the main I got a good start and quickly tried to make a pass on Alex but he closed the door. Right at the start of lap two I made a mistake landing a small double as my steering locked to the right causing me to spin out when I landed. I dropped back to third but quickly regained second place coming onto the straight. That same lap I came off the small double that I spun out on and as I landed it my left rear ball stud ripped out of the inner mount ending my chance to win. My Kyosho ZX5 FS2 SP was fast all day and felt great.

I used the following products on my cars throughout the event:

8214-002-X2 Scrubs 4wd Buggy Front Tires

8212-17-MC Scrubs 2wd Buggy Front Tires

8212-02-M3 Scrubs 2wd Buggy Front Tires

8213-02–M3 Suburb Buggy Rear Tires

8213-03-M4 Suburb Buggy Rear Tires


CT State Champ Results



I took the win in 2wd Mod Buggy using M3 Scrubs up front and M4 Suburbs on the rear.

My Kyosho cars felt great all day on my Pro-Line tires.