Factory Team

3rd Annual Fathers Day Short Course Spectacular

Fathers day is all about spending time with family and letting Dad get out and have some fun. Well if you are involved in Off Road and live in Southern California then you probably know Baja Mike and all he has done with the industry. A Little over 2 years ago Mike decided to have an event at his house where he could invite all of his friends over to run some RC Cars, have a BBQ, and just kick back and relax. Now in its 3rd year the event has grown to over 100 people, a taco truck that caters the event, and prizes donated from huge industry players such as Pro-Line Racing and Team Associated.

This year the events started around 3PM and worked its way late into the night. Most vehicles at the event were 2 and 4WD Short Course Trucks, all electric powered. There were also a handful of 2WD Buggy’s, a couple E buggy’s, and homemade contraptions that his full scale motorsport fiends had built.



The track was amazing. It was a nice loose dirt that suited Pro-Line M3 Rubber. I personally liked the Blockade on my 4WD and Bow-Fighters on my 2WD.



As in past years, the event went off without a hitch and everyone had a great time. Mike wanted to thank all of his friends for coming out and for all the sponsors for donating the prizes.




We would like to thank David Brumbley for the photos.