Factory Team

JBRL Round 1 – Race Report

Round 1 of the Nitro JBRL kicked off this past weekend at Thunder Alley Awesome weather and racing action with just over240 entries for this one day event. Pro-Line was out in full force with many of our drivers attending to represent. Hard fought battles in the pro classes and even over 40 which is a new class for JBRL. In 40 and over buggy it was Tim Long taking the win running Pro-Line M3 Holeshots. Pro Buggy was an epic battle between Pro-Line drivers Cody King and Dylan Rodriguez which came down literally to the last two corners when the dust had settled it was Cody King taking the win Dylan Rodriguez would finish a few tenths behind in second and Pro-Line’s Drew Moller taking third making it a podium sweep for PL and M3 Holeshots. In Truggy the lead would swap a few time between Pro-Line Drivers Adam Drake, Dlyan Rodriguez, and Cody King another great race between these guys in the end Cody King would double down and take the overall in Truggy, with Drake second and Drew Moller putting himself on the podium again in third securing another podium sweep for Pro-Line and M3 Truggy VTR Holeshots. E Buggy kicked off with Pro-Line’s Adam Drake TQ but an early issue would put him out leaving Dylan Rodriguez, Chad Panic, and Richard saxton to battle for the lead. After about several lead changes it was Pro-Line’s Richard (The King) Saxton taking the win with Pro-Line driver Dylan Rodriguez in second and Chad Panic in third. Saxton and Rodriguez were using M3 Holeshots as well in E-Buggy.

Another great event big thanks to Rob and Levi Jackson the whole TA crew, Jimmy and JBRL crew for a great event. Thanks to all our drivers and customers.

Grass Root is this weekend here at Pro-Line, make sure you come check it out!