Factory Team

Adam Drake on Day 2 at the 2012 IFMAR 1:8 Nitro Off-Road Worlds

We woke up today and were surprised to see how wet the track was. Not much going on at the track, the the rest of the competitors arrived earlier today. Some guys are prepping a second car due to the chance of rain later in the week.

Here are a few shots of the Speed Paradise track…

Adam gave us a look at what’s going on in the TLR hotel rooms before practice…

Dan and Darren doing some wrenching…

Dakotah doing some homework…

David working on Dakotah’s buggy…

Adam didn’t like lunch at all today…

After lunch he finished his rides for the week ahead… 

Photo Source: (Tim Long, Jerry Blodgett, Adam Drake)

Source: RCInsider.com