Factory Team / Friends of Pro-Line / The President's Corner

NeoBuggy visits Pro-Line HQ

Recently our friends from www.neobuggy.net came to visit Pro-Line headquarters in Southern California.  Here’s an excerpt from Chief Editor, Philip Mortstedt.

“On the Friday of the Sidewinder race hosted by Thunder Alley I headed down the freeway to Pro-Line’s HQ; a fairly innocous looking building with only one obvious sign who the occupiers were; the distinctive support truck proudly parked outside. I had the pleasure and fortune of spending a couple of hours meeting various employees at PL. Todd Mattson; owner, pioneer and great host, Tim Clark; part of Pro-Line since the late 80’s and Gerardo and Matt – the R&D guys – pushing the envelopes in various classes.

A long breakfast doubled as introductions and some storytelling; as much about how Pro-Line started and grew to how Neo Buggy came to be followed by some first-looks at some of the products PL will be releasing in the near future ‘lips are zipped!’. I was lucky enough to be given an in-depth tour of the 20,000 sqft building; Tim explaining the various processes of R&D, design, prototyping, tooling and production. I was impressed how many things were done ‘in house’ – you may forget the less ‘glamourous’ jobs, but equally important; accounting, customer support, stock control, packaging etc – reinforcing the concept of ‘Made in USA’.”

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