Factory Team / Readers Rides

Pro-Line announces the Readers Rides winner Jonah Kellam

Congratulations Jonah on winning the Readers Rides contest for this week!

Jonah Kellam submitted a Pro-Line 14RS and won!

Description: Hi these are my two RC cars. A Slash 2wd and a mini Revo. The 2wd is equipped with the ProTrac suspension kit. When I’m bashing I use the stock wheels and tires, but when racing I use the a set of white Split Six wheels glued to the track with a set of Pro-Line Caliber SC tires. Toping it off is a 14RS body the second body I’ve painted, the first was the Slipstream for the mini Revo.

Great work Jonah on representing Pro-Line!

Don’t forget to submit your ride at http://www.prolineracing.com/blog/submit-your-ride/ for a chance to win.